Odair Faleco UX Designer

UX Lead currently working at Accenture

I like to transform chaos into orderor, complexity into simplicity.

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🧠  Passionate about Psychology

Design it's all about people, and psychology too. In order to be an effective designer, I think we need to learn how our mind works, that’s one of the reasons why I’m an avid reader of psychology and philosophy books. Understand users minds, behaviors, mental models and cognitive biases are vital in order to create a persuasive, emotional and engaging experience.

♟ Ux Strategist

The most exciting part of being an Experience Designer is solving problems and being in constant learning. Understand human behaviors, systems, available technology and business goals in order to match those with real user needs is a process that I enjoy. In order to go from A to B (or from chaos to order) we need a clear strategy and design principles to support our design decisions along the way.

🦄  Product Designer

During a long time in my career I was the unicorn in the company, being responsible for all the UX, UI and Visual Design responsibilities. This helped me learn about all the different stages inside a product development, it also made my experience vast and T shaped. I can contribute across all the process, from initial conceptual states until final UI and deliverables. I also write articles about Web3, NFTs, Crypto and DeFi.

UX CASES /selected works

01  Dream Job quiz / McDonald's 

02  Equals app / Stone Co.

03  Play & Learn game / Richmond

04  McD website / McDonald's

I write and speak about ux and psychology
here you can find a few articles and more ux cases

tao article
UX & TAO 道
What does UX have to do with taoism?
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ux and psychoanalysis
What do THEY have in common?
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masks for all
Helping Brazil fight covid19 pandemic
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Experiments with AI

Arcgetype AI
Experimental design studio created to play with AI in different media and formats
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AI Music Video
Music video for the band The New Horizons created just using new AI techonologies
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Bauhaus Today
What if Bauhaus Design School was still alive to design modern products of our era?
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